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Again, improvements can be see in any aspects. Nice progress, fren!
I got 5 endings..i guessthats all current ones?

Doors can be interacted from reaaaly far away. I have the POWER?

Robber lacks animations for "doing stuff" like  rummaging through drawers and stuff.  his footsteps has noticeable noise. Audacity is free and has good denoiser.
Robber walking anim doesnt look like he is robbing, he is bossing around.
Voicelines are not really sounding like they belong to robber aswell.

Id go with something like "huh?", "M?", "mhm?", whispering like "wtf?" 

I did cackle on "aw shit its the police!"

Chairs are not eally movable by pushing, only by "towing" if you understand what i mean.

Also they barely fit into doorway like wtf ? fist objective was to get chair and its stuk in doorway?
Also unconstrain their rotation around vertical axis. 

Robber does not react to doors opening and closing?  

Good look overall. liked it.

so if i had to guess, you did not use the hammer... on someone... and there was always 8 endings since V1

i planned a "doing stuff" interaction for the robber but time and crunch... also in my opinion the game is short and easy so that would have made it way way more easy and unbalanced

for the noise i my self didnt hear it, probably because i haven't had it this loud and in development i did not notice it

his idle animation is good but on Mixamo there wasn't any sneaky walking only crouched so this was my best option (didn't really look around that much), same for running

all voice is done by me, i am definitly far from pro and i quickly came up with quick voice lines to communicate if the robber heard something or seen something

yeah, chairs are weird, you can only pull them, the chair in the starting room hitbox is sized down to barely fit through the door, and i tried with rotation turned on but the chair always tipped over and didn't really rotate on any other axis, i might look n to that a bit more

robber reacting to doors, honestly, i did not think of that at the time, probably was too busy crunching xdd, but that could bea nice way tome make it a bit more challanging (you only open doors once and never touch it, and robber only would just come close, so it wouldn't be that much harder unless the robber can close it, which i have no idea how to code)

so, thank you for playing all my games so far, it seems you liked them so that's good, i am really happy about this one, and i think i have found my style but i will try some new stuff in smaller games, and i really need to finish my next big game


I will be playing this live 10/30 around 430-5 PM EST =D



Thank you, and good luck, i will try to be there

damn, not even gonna try to get a good ending xdd.

And about the AI, this is what random is, it's weird how it lingers in one area but this is random... even tho it dosent look like that.


nice spooky

Thank you, sorry about performance but that is mainly caused by Codes and the AI (this game is heavy on CPU)

BUT my next game that i've been working on for 8 months wont have that much performance issue and i want that game to be good, so far it's that

Thank you for playing my game and making a video

hmmm seems interesting tbh 

Download not working.

Huh, well shit, idk how it's not working, i just downloaded it on my phone and unzipped it, looked good to me.

gonna check it when i get home.

It seems to be working now.  Must've been a glitch on my end


A thank god xdd, i hope you enjoy my game

I will upload a video on it today along with my thoughts!